what can i say...?
good job as usual...?
All of your music is awesome to the core, keeps giving me inspiration (stop it, i have too many ideas for my book now D: is gonne be too long)which is still a good sign.
At the beginning i imagined a giant winter wonderland (more specificly a city, inspired by Minas Tirith, covered under snow)while somebody narrates about the past happenings.
at 0:55 the camera goes into the castle, you see the new queen (as the king died some weeks ago)standing before a fireplace. The main characters are present as well in the room.
At 1:05 the queen tells of the happenings in the land as they were gone to fight the darkness. The Snowfall Holiday was soon to start while the war still rages on. Diplomatic relationships have improved providing new allies and enough food is being stored all over the land so nobody shall know the word 'hunger'.
at 1:55 Ernest Dharis (A Men from Falbrios [but actually a Zariothan noblemen])and Miligen Arnhout (An Elf, the princess of the Elven kingdom Dornof)(the 2 main 'main' characters)are alone, having a private conversation. They talk about what has happened in the past, things only they know. At this point in the story they finally reveal to each other that they love one another...